- current state of text collection includes links to visualisations of each available text
Reference Documents
- Encoding Guidelines for the ELTeC: level 1
- Encoding Guidelines for the ELTeC: level 2
- Encoding for ELTeC : a summary guide / Part 1 : the Header
- Encoding for ELTeC : a summary guide / Part 2 : the Text
WG1 Discussion drafts
WG1 Working Papers
- Sampling Criteria for the ELTeC; also as printablePDF last updated 2018-03-11
- Encoding Guidelines for the ELTeC; also as printablePDF last updated 2018-03-17
- Workflow Proposals; also as printablePDF last updated 2019-02-01
Training Schools
Wurzburg „Optical Character Recognition and Text Encoding for the production of ELTeC“ (University of Würzburg, 16-17 April, 2018)
- Budapest “Corpus design and text contribution for ELTeC” (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 23-25 September 2019)
- Datathon
ELTeC Datathon: Online, 27 September 2021
WG1 first meeting (Praha, 12-14 February, 2018)
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## Header 2
### Header 3
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