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Encoding for ELTeC : a summary guide
Part 1 : the Header
The checklist
Here's a list of the information you must supply in your header:
- Identification of title and language (xml:id and xml:lang on <TEI>)
- Title of the work, followed by the phrase : ELTeC edition (<title>)
- Author, in format Surname, Forename/s (birthYear-deathYear) (<author>)
- Statements of responsibility in format encoded by Name (<respStmt>)
- Date of publication in ELTeC (<publicationStmt>)
- Source description containing one or more <bibl> elements
- Encoding level : use the n attribute of <encodingDesc>
- Profile description specifying languages used and sampling criteria values (<langUsage>, <textDesc>)
- Revision description containing at least one <change>
Most but not all requirements are enforced by the schema
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:lang="de" xml:id="DEU18450">
- xml:id values must be unique across the corpus, preferably short, and valid XML names
- recommended format: xxxyyyyd where xxx is ISO 639-3 language code, yyyy the year of publication, and d an extra digit for disambiguation
- the xmlns attribute is needed for TEI conformance
- the value of xml:lang is the ISO 639-2 language code
The title
<title> Ghiță Cătănuță, căpitan de haiduci : ELTeC edition</title>
<title ref="viaf:180462896">L'Éducation sentimentale : édition ELTeC </title>
<title>Господа сељаци: приповетка : ELTeC издање</title>
- Use standard form of title, simplified if necessary, followed by the phrase ELTeC edition in appropriate language
- Optionally supply VIAF or other identifying code for title
The author
<author ref="viaf:26018946">Skene,
Felicia (1821-1899)</author>
<author ref="viaf:52610012">Gozsdu Elek (1849-1919) </author>
<author ref="viaf:37053113">Dombre, Roger [Marguerite Sisson] (1859-1914)</author>
- VIAF codes available from https://viaf.org
- Standard forms for names should (or for E Europe may not) include comma
- Alternative name may be provided between names and dates, enclosed in square brackets
- Dates must be separated by hyphen
Check details on Wikipedia, Worldcat, National library etc.
Extent statement
<measure unit="words">99479</measure>
<measure unit="pages">631</measure>
<measure unit="vols">2</measure>
- oXygen will calculate a word count for you
- page and volume counts are optional; wordcount is mandatory
- figures must be supplied without punctuation or spaces
Publication statement
<p>Added to ELTeC <date>2019-02-03</date>
- Nothing is required here: when the text is published on Zenodo, a fuller standard format will be generated
- Any information you supply here will be transfered to a <change> element in the <revisionDesc>
<distributor>COST Action ELTeC</distributor>
<date when="2019-10-03"/>
<licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"> Licenced under
CC-BY 4.0 </licence>
<ref type="doi"
Source description (1)
The ELTeC edition is derived from a known print edition
<bibl type="printSource">
<author>Panait Macri</author>
<title>Ghiță Cătănuță, căpitan de haiduci</title>
<publisher>Editura Librăriei și Tipografiei H. STEINBERG</publisher>
- Add an extra <bibl type="firstEdition"> if this is not the first edition
- Add an extra <bibl type="digitalSource"> if another digital version of the text is also available e.g. as page images
Source description (2)
The ELTeC edition is derived from a pre-existing digital version which is in turn derived from the first printed edition.
<bibl type="digitalSource">
<title>Wuthering Heights (1st edition) : wikisource edition</title>
<ref target="https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Wuthering_Heights_(1st_edition)"/>
<bibl type="firstEdition">
<title>Wuthering Heights. A novel by</title>
<author>Ellis Bell</author>
<publisher>London: T. C. Newby</publisher>
- Add an extra <bibl type="printSource"> if the digital version does not derive from the first edition
Encoding description
<encodingDesc n="eltec-1">
- The value for n must be one of eltec-0, eltec-1, or eltec-2
- An empty <p> is required as content :-(
- We may add more here later
Profile description
<language ident="eng"/>
<eltec:authorGender key="F"/>
<eltec:size key="long"/>
<eltec:canonicity key="high"/>
<eltec:timeSlot key="T1"/>
- Supply a <language> for each language present in significant amounts in the text
- Use ISO 646 three-letter codes to identify the language, optionally extended with script or dialect
- The namespace prefix
is arbitrary and can be defined wherever you please - Values for the four balance criteria must be supplied
Balance criteria
authorGender | F (female) | M (male) | U (unknown or multiple) | |
| author's biological sex, not claimed gender |
size | short (10-50k) | medium (50-100k) | long (>100k) | |
| word count excluding header and all markup |
timeSlot | T1 (1840-1859) | T2 (1860-1879) | T3 (1880-1899) | T4 (1900-1920) |
| date first published as a book |
canonicity | low (reprinted infrequently or never) | high (reprinted very frequently) | unspecified (reprint information not available) |
| number of times reprinted between 1970 and 2009 |
Revision description
<change when="2018-11-20">Finished XML validation</change>
<change when="2018-11-01">Initially created as an ELTeC file</change>
- At least one <change> element, typically indicating the date of creation of the ELTeC file, is required
- The when attribute is required and must have value in form YYYY-MM-DD
- Give <change>s in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
- Include only major changes